Channel Commands

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So we are here to talk about the channel commands to use ChanServ and BotServ in main channel. below is the useful commands list that you are going to use. Supported Commands: ——————– !cmdlist !help !help [cmd [param]] !modinfo !sversion !clear MODES !clear BANS !clear EXCEPTS !clear INVITES !clear OPS !clear HOPS !clear VOICES !clear USERS !sop add [nick] !sop del [nick|entry-num|list] !sop list [mask|list] !sop clear !aop add [nick] !aop del [nick|entry-num|list] !aop list [mask|list] !aop clear !hop add [nick] !hop del [nick|entry-num|list] !hop list [mask|list] !hop clear !vop…