So we are here to talk about the channel commands to use ChanServ and BotServ in main channel. below is the useful commands list that you are going to use.
Supported Commands:
!help [cmd [param]]
!clear MODES
!clear BANS
!clear EXCEPTS
!clear INVITES
!clear OPS
!clear HOPS
!clear VOICES
!clear USERS
!sop add [nick]
!sop del [nick|entry-num|list]
!sop list [mask|list]
!sop clear
!aop add [nick]
!aop del [nick|entry-num|list]
!aop list [mask|list]
!aop clear
!hop add [nick]
!hop del [nick|entry-num|list]
!hop list [mask|list]
!hop clear
!vop add [nick]
!vop del [nick|entry-num|list]
!vop list [mask|list]
!vop clear
!access add [nick] [level]
!access del [nick|entry-num|list]
!access list [mask|list]
!access clear
!levels set [type] [level]
!levels {dis|disable} [type]
!levels list
!levels reset
!akick add [mask] [reason]
!akick {stick|unstick} [mask]
!akick del [mask]
!akick {list|view} [mask]
!akick enforce
!akick clear
!badwords add [word] {single|start|end|any}
!badwords del [word|entry-num|list]
!badwords list [mask|list]
!badwords clear
!set founder [nick]
!set successor [nick]
!set desc [description]
!set email [email]
!set url [url]
!set entrymsg [message]
!set bantype [0|1|2|3]
!set mlock [modes]
!set keeptopic [on|off]
!set topiclock [on|off]
!set opnotice [on|off]
!set peace [on|off]
!set private [on|off]
!set restricted [on|off]
!set secure [on|off]
!set secureops [on|off]
!set securefounder [on|off]
!set signkick [on|off]
!set xop [on|off]
!set noexpire [on|off]
!set dontkickops [on|off]
!set dontkickvoices [on|off]
!set greet [on|off]
!set fantasy [on|off]
!set symbiosis [on|off]
!set nobot [on|off]
!bkick bolds [on|off] [ttb]
!bkick badwords [on|off] [ttb]
!bkick caps [on|off] [ttb [min [percent]]]
!bkick colors [on|off] [ttb]
!bkick flood [on|off] [ttb [ln [secs]]]
!bkick repeat [on|off] [ttb [num]]
!bkick reverses [on|off] [ttb]
!bkick underlines [on|off] [ttb]
!topic [topic]
!appendtopic [topic text]
!tappend [topic text]
!rappend [topic text]
!prependtopic [topic text]
!tprepend [topic text]
!rprepend [topic text]
!invite [nick]
!ircops | !staff
!up [nick]
!down [nick] [target level]
!ban [nick|mask]
!unban [nick|mask]
!tban [nick|mask] [time]
!mute [nick|mask]
!unmute [nick|mask]
!k [nick|mask] [reason]
!kb [nick|mask] [reason]
!tkb [nick|mask] [time] [reason]
!op [user1 [user2] [user3]]
!op [*@*.us]
!op [user1 [partial_nick*] [*@*.net]]
(same syntax supported for protect/deprotect/op/deop/halfop/dehalfop/voice/devoice)
Services Opers/Admins Commands:
!kill [nick] [reason]
!mode [mode(s)]
!akill add [+expiry] mask reason
!akill del {mask | entry-num | list}
!akill view [mask | list]
!akill clear
!ignore add [time] [nick|mask]
!ignore del [nick]
!ignore list
!ignore clear
!shun [add] [ nick | user@host] [+time] [reason]
!shun del [nick | user@host]